To Allah we belong, and indeed to Him we shall return
To Allah we belong, and indeed to Him we shall return
We are very saddened at the passing away of Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen who was a man of profound faith, wisdom, and love. His life was a shining example of peace, justice, and empathy. He expressed his respect and affection for Imam Rabbani and considered his teachings a guiding light for himself. He carried out phenomenal work in the service of Islam and humanity. There will always be a special place for him in our hearts. May Almighty Allah grant him the highest place in Jannah and guide his followers to continue his legacy of service to humanity and peace.

Khalif Syed Mohammed Sadiq Raza
Khalif Syed Mohammed Sadiq Raza is the Custodian of Ahmad al-Sirhindi’s Mausoleum. Al-Sirhindi (d. 1624), aka Imam Rabbani, was one of the greatest Islamic scholars and is considered a major “reviver” of religion (Mujaddid). His mausoleum is in Sirhind, India.
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