Gülen for a Reconciled World
Gülen for a Reconciled World
Fethullah Gülen was a leader, a reformer, but above all a spiritual leader who was true to his spiritual foundations, but strived for a new, united, reconciled world.
It is with deep sadness that we learned about the death of Fethullah Gülen.
Fethullah Gülen was a leader, a reformer, but above all a spiritual leader who was true to his spiritual foundations, but strived for a new, united, reconciled world. His legacy does not only lie in his writings, but in the number of followers that he gathered all over the world who served his vision with commitment and diligence.
May his spirit continue to inspire us as we all struggle to find a world order that will be more peaceful, inclusive, respectful, and hopeful in the century that we live in.
My condolences to his family and followers who are in mourning.

Braam Hanekom
Dr. Braam Hanekom is the vice moderator of the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa.
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